The individual enterprise MOJE Keramik-Implantate was founded by Hans-Jürgen Moje in July 1994.
The foundation and operating field is the development and manufacture of implants of zirconium ceramics for wrist, toes and finger joints and for the dental field. The concentration applies to the use of small bone diameters in highly loaded areas, for which implant solutions were previously not available.
The product development is carried out in a dialogue with the doctors and patients. Our employees bring many years of experience in the field of technical ceramics to implant production. Worldwide, clinics and doctors use products of MOJE Keramik-Implantate successfully.
Entwicklung und Produktion basieren auf 14 eingereichten Patenten und Gebrauchsmustern.
Development and production are based on 14 submitted patents and samples. Since 2000, company has been certified according to DIN EN ISO 13485 Medical Devices Act (MPG) Annex II.
Since 2006 MOJE Keramik-Implantate has a Quality Management System for medical devices according to DIN EN ISO 13485 as well as a Quality Assurance System according to Directive 93/42/ EEC,
Annex II, Section 3 in the areas of ceramic finger and toe implants, ceramic wrist prosthesis and implantable dental prostheses.
Since 2006, MOJE Keramik-Implantate has been cooperating closely with various research institutes to further develop the products, especially the products of the dental field. Through these cooperations various research projects have been launched, which have a total duration of approximately 3 years.
In 2007, the Moje Keramik-Implantate were converted into a limited liability company and has been managed under the name of Moje Keramik-Implantate GmbH & Co.KG.
Over the past few years, Moje Keramik-Implantate has been continuously expanded with a growing range.
For many years now, the company Moje Keramik-Implantate itself educates its young professionals. In 2016 began his studies here two more students
In October 2016 Moje Keramik-Implantate company's staff consisted of 19 employees.
On 1st of July 2014, the company Moje Keramik-Implantate celebrated its 20th anniversary. Many business partners and friends were invited to the party
Am 1. Juli 2019 feierte die Firma MOJE Keramik-Implantate jetzt ihr 25-jähriges Jubiläum. Zahlreiche Geschäftspartner und Freunde waren zur Feier geladen. Fünf erfolgreiche Jahre sind seit der 20 JAHR Feier vergangen. Wir danken allen Geschäftspartner für die vertrauensvolle und innovative Zusammenarbeit.
Der Bürgermeister von Eisenberg und viele Geschäftspartner Gratulierten zum 25-jährigen Jubiläum.